What is the Luxembourg Gender Finance Task Force?
The Luxembourg Gender Finance Task Force is dedicated to advancing gender finance within the Luxembourg financial sector. Its mission is to identify key opportunities and foster initiatives that drive progress in both "finance for women" and "women in finance." The Task Force works to develop sector-wide strategies, enabling actors in the Luxembourg financial centre to implement gender-focused financial solutions, either independently or through collaborations between public and private entities.
The Task Force's efforts align with Luxembourg’s strong performance in gender equality, particularly in the domain of finance. According to the European Institute for Gender Equality, which publishes the annual Gender Equality Index to track progress across EU Member States, Luxembourg ranks first overall in this domain. Since 2020, the country’s score has increased by 1.3 points, and it leads the EU in the sub-domain of financial resources, highlighting its commitment to advancing gender equality in finance.
The Gender Finance Task Force is composed of a diverse group of representatives from the financial sector and organised by the Luxembourg Ministry of Finance. It is supported by 7 Working Groups.
Task Force Members
Jennifer De Nijs
Director for the Development of the Financial Centre
Ministry of Finance
Julie Becker
Chief Executive Officer
Luxembourg Stock Exchange
Craig Blair
General Manager
Franklin Templeton Luxembourg
Nicoletta Centofanti
Chief Executive Officer
Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative
Jessica Espinoza
Chief Executive Officer
2X Global
Arnaud Gillin
Founding Partner
Simon Gorbutt
Deputy CEO
Luxembourg for Finance
Paul Lecoublet
Chief Executive Officer
Generali Luxembourg
Carmen Niethammer
Senior Gender Specialist
European Investment Bank
Hedda Pahlson-Moller
Founding Partner
Emanuele Vignoli
Chief Executive Officer
HSBC Luxembourg
Kaspar Wansleben
Executive Director
Investing for Development